HBM supplies the complete measurement chain, from class-leading sensors to software. Having built their reputation on measurement expertise and technological innovation, they now offer optical strain gauges built around our innovative FBGS Draw Tower Fiber..

Structural testing of airframes and aircraft components using optical sensors

Load monitoring based on experimental stress analysis plays an important role in the development of structural components, as well as in the calculation of their residual life and their structural state, in various conditions and under specific loads.

Today fiber-optic sensor technology is being increasingly utilized for structural testing of airframes and aircraft components, as the durability and reliability of the sensors critically influence which new, high-tech materials and components that are used.

Figure: Optical strain gauges based on Draw Tower Grating technology

„Once we had made the decision to develop a range of fiber optic strain gauge products, we invited leading manufacturers of the bare fiber to supply us with samples of their product so we might test them in line with our proposed applications. The testing was demanding and took place over a period of months and was designed to test a number of different characteristics. Most significantly their ability to resist fatigue and provide repeatable results over long term testing and the ability of the fiber to withstand bending to a small radii without significant loss of optical signal. At the end of the testing process only one product retained its mechanical integrity and specification and this is why HBM has selected FBGS BVBA as their partner to develop this new product.“

Dr. Karl-Heinz Haase, Product and Application Manager, Optical Sensor Technology & Asset Monitoring

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    FBGS Technologies GmbH
    Franz Loewen Straße 3
    D-07745 Jena


    FBGS International NV
    Bell Telephonelaan 2H
    B-2440 Geel


    Suzhou X2 Electronic Technology Co Ltd
    Room No. 2003, Building 38, No. 60 Weixin Road, Suzhou Industrial Park
    215122 Suzhou, Jiangsu China

